GIS, Remote Sensing & Spatial Analysis


Our aim is to enhance GIS development India by merging geospatial and related technologies with comprehensive business information solutions. We strive to boost our clients’ planning effectiveness and operational efficiency. Achieving this by acting as an integrated extension of our clients’ teams, we employ structured, collaborative, and innovative problem-solving strategies.



Sense Image created strategic GIS inception plans to offer structured emphasis from the beginning of the GIS implementation process and ensure that initial efforts are immediately effective while staying flexible and extensible to meet future needs.

Photogrammetry Services

We step forward in photogrammetric project and Terrain data planning, processing and execution. Our services can be customized for project specific requirements, and we also planning for large scale projects as contractors, from inception to completion.

Aerial Triangulation Orientation

Aerial Triangulation – Orientation &
Adjustment of a Block

Digital Terrain Modeling and 3D

Digital Terrain Modeling and 3D

Contour Generation

Contour generation

Orthophoto Generation

Orthophoto generation

Planimetric-Mapping Services

Planimetric Mapping

2D & 3D Mapping

 2D & 3D mapping

Planimetric Mapping

Planimetric Mapping

LiDAR Data Processing & Mapping

Sense Image offers ALTM / Mobile / Terrestrial / UAV
LiDAR data processing services.

Airborne Laser Terrain Mapping (ALTM) – Sense Image offers low-cost, high-quality LiDAR services that meet international standards. We have extensive experience classifying LiDAR point cloud data into various classes such as bare earth, buildings, bridges, hydrography, low and high vegetation, pyrons, high tension wires and cables, and so on. We also adjust flight lines, do advanced asbuilt 3D modelling, and planimetric mapping

Airborne Laser Terrain Mapping (ALTM)
Mobile Handheld LiDAR

Mobile / Handheld LiDAR: Sense Image offers mobile/handheld solutions. LiDAR’s high-resolution point cloud data gives accurate three-dimensional topography information. It’s useful for mapping since it can accurately survey object elevation and geo-reference location.

UAV Arieal LiDAR: Sense image has a team dedicated to processing UAV LiDAR data, from flight line adjustments to classification of point cloud data to its respective feature class and
vectoring them to create 3D City Modeling.

UAV Aerial LiDAR

Mining and Volume estimation

calculation of the volume and the tonnage of ore deposits there is a variety of available methods to choose from, each suited for a particular deposit.



GIS - Volume Estimation

Volume estimation

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

BIM – The process of creating and managing building data is known as building
information modelling (BIM). BIM models can provide comprehensive construction
information that 2D drawings alone cannot provide. It will also be useful to assess building compliance with various safety norms and guidelines, such as fire safety, setback, construction ratio, and open spaces, among others, before granting registration or a licence to use the structure/facility.

Building Information Modelling (BIM)
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We developed great partnerships with SenseImage Technologies and their dedication towards providing drone service is evident in all aspects. We appreciate their attention to detail and technical approach in getting accurate data in the inspection.
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Hey guys, I just wanted to share a quick note about SenseImage Technologies. The work culture and business you guys maintain, is well mannered with all deliverables provided on time. You guys make sure that the target is achieved within stipulated time with the promised quality of data.


Talent You Can Trust

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